March 6, 2020

What Members Are Saying About the TAP

The TAP is currently accepting applications for new members or alternates through March 30. New TAP members will serve a three-year term starting in December 2020. Applicants chosen as alternate members will be considered to fill any vacancies that open in their areas during the next three years. Here’s what members are saying about their experiences:

“The most rewarding part of volunteering with TAP is interacting with people from across the US on issues that impact every taxpayer. Collaborating with TAP members and IRS representatives provides an opportunity to produce positive results. Changes range from updating forms to solving international taxpayer issues. The problems we address are diverse and impactful. Serving on TAP is an excellent way to affect change in our government. I encourage any civic-minded individual to apply.”

“It’s inspiring that there is a group of people who care about improving the IRS enough to invest their own time to do so.”

“This is my first year, and it’s pretty exciting so far. It’s pretty amazing to work side by side with IRS staff and other volunteers from around the country and learning about ways to partner with IRS.”

“Not only is it giving me new experience in working on productive teams, but it gives me access to what IRS is doing to modernize their IT systems.”

“It’s a chance to actually make a difference by making recommendations to the IRS that come from taxpayers; serving on a federal advisory committee, I would recommend to anyone looking for a challenge in improving government for all of us.”