
Understand the process

Status of Issues

Since its creation, the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) has provided more than 2,039 recommendations to the IRS to improve taxpayer service and satisfaction with IRS services, products and procedures. These issues are derived from direct taxpayer feedback as well as projects the IRS asked the TAP to work.


Check out Annual Report 2021


Check out Annual Report 2022


Check out the 2019 annual report for more information


Issue research and recommendations

The initial review will include a preliminary issue building process to gather data on the underlying issue.


TAP Elevated issue to IRS


The committee will review the issue



An issue is compatible with or linked to another issue already in development. If the other issue is being developed by another committee, forward all information to that committee.


Dropped by Committee

The Committee dropped the issue upon the recommendation of the screening team or after the Committee determines that the IRS is sufficiently handling the proposal, or the proposal has little or no impact on customer service and satisfaction.


Elevated to IRS

The project recommendation(s) have been approved by the Joint Committee for elevation to the IRS but has not yet been sent to the IRS.


Awaiting Response

The project recommendation(s) have been elevated to IRS and TAP is waiting for a response


TAP Reviewing IRS Response

The committee is reviewing the IRS response to recommendations submitted. The committee will make a determine to accept or reject the IRS response. The committee can consider rebutting non-adopted recommendations.


Project/Assignment Completed

The project committee completed its task or project, and the issue was approved by the Joint Committee. This is the main closing code that the project committees will use for their issues.


Monitoring IRS Action

The project recommendation(s) have been adopted (fully or partially) or is under consideration and TAP follow-up is needed to monitor the IRS actions; a closing code must be entered.



The project is closed for TAP; a closing code must be entered.

Phases of Recommendation Process

After TAP submit recommendation(s), IRS program areas review the recommendation and implement it if appropriate and feasible. While the IRS gives serious consideration to TAP recommendations, it is sometimes limited in its ability to implement recommendations due to cost, legislative or regulatory restrictions, a difference in philosophy, or the need to balance relieving taxpayer burdens with their responsibility to efficiently collect proper tax revenues owed. Below are definitions various status of a Project referral

Our committees

TAP is governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), a public law that guides boards or committees established by federal offices and agencies to provide advice, ideas or opinions to the federal government.

TAP establishes project committees, with nationwide membership, to identify and propose solutions for IRS customer service issues. The project committees are closely linked to the IRS Wage and Investment (W&I) and Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE) operating divisions program owners.

TAP members are divided into six separate Project Committees that focus on specific issues. The Joint Committee (TAP’s governing body) is made up of representatives from each Project Committee. These committees are empowered to work directly with the IRS to provide observations or recommendations on issues and areas for improvement and monitor the status and progress of issues.

Outcomes of a recommendation

Each TAP recommendation has a status code per the IRS response. Below describes the disposition of the recommendation by the TAP.

Completed and closed by TAP Committee


IRS indicates the recommendation is fully adopted. The recommendation may or may not be implemented, but the IRS has agreed to the recommendation.

Partially adopted

IRS indicates the recommendation is partially accepted. The recommendation may or may not be implemented but the IRS has agreed to the recommendation in part.


The IRS is looking at the recommendation and may or may not accept or implement it in the future. Needs to be monitored.

Resolved prior

IRS has resolved the problem and there is no longer a need to elevate it.

Not adopted

IRS has indicated the recommendation is rejected and will state the reasons in the response.

Awaiting IRS response

The project recommendation(s) have been elevated to IRS and TAP is waiting for a response.

TAP reviewing IRS response

The Committee is reviewing the IRS response.

Monitoring IRS Action

The project recommendation(s) have been adopted (fully or partially) or is under consideration and TAP follow-up is needed to monitor the IRS actions; a closing code must be entered.

Dropped by Committee

The Committee dropped the issue upon the recommendation of the screening team or after the Committee determines that the issue doesn’t meets the merits of the TAP mission or the project has little or no impact on customer service and satisfaction.