
Member Responsibilities

Joining the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) offers a unique opportunity to participate in the improvement of both the American tax administration system and the IRS.

What will I do as a TAP member?

The core duties and responsibilities of TAP Members are to participate in the TAP Annual Virtual Training; a Project committee focusing on IRS initiatives and grassroots issues; and TAP outreach activities to solicit taxpayer input to channel to the IRS and educate the public about TAP.

Responsibilities to keep in mind

In partnership with the IRS, TAP members focus on ways to improve IRS responsiveness to taxpayer needs and the quality of taxpayer service.


There is no specialized tax experience required to serve on the TAP

TAP members represent the view of the average American taxpayer—you will be provided the information needed to effectively contribute to the panel. Tax expertise in not a requirement, and citizens without tax expertise are encouraged to apply.


Volunteers spend 200–300 hours a year on panel activities

Members are expected to volunteer 200-300 per year on panel activities, including monthly conference calls, outreach activities, and face-to-face meetings.


TAP members serve a three-year term

Members serve three-year terms, staggered so that each year approximately one-third of the members are replaced.


There are monthly meetings

TAP members are expected to attend at least one annual face-to-face meeting (budget permitting) and at least two monthly conference calls with their respective committees.


You may be expected to travel a few times a year

While the majority of communication is conducted via email and teleconference, you may be expected to attend in person annual committee meetings, training, and TAP outreach events.