
TAP Releases the 2022 Annual Report

2022 TAP Annual Report image

The Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) is proud to release their Annual Report for 2022, which includes key accomplishments and activities the members pursued during the year including their recommendations to the IRS to improve taxpayer services. In 2022 TAP committees submitted 26 Referrals to the IRS, which included 201 recommendations to improve taxpayer services, reduce taxpayer burden and improve tax administration.

The six core Project Committees submitted recommendations to the IRS including: suggestions to improve IRS outreach to taxpayers in vulnerable communities to provide better resources about available tax credits, updates to IRS online accounts to make them available to more U.S. taxpayers living abroad, and changes to the IRS form used for claiming education credits because it is very confusing. In addition, the committees submitted recommendations that covered important topics such as a taxpayer’s ability to reach out to the IRS via toll-free phone lines and delivering timely information to taxpayers using the Where’s My Amended Refund tool. Over the years the work of the TAP has resulted in substantial changes to IRS process, forms, notices and procedures that impact taxpayers, and we expect that these 2022 recommendations will do the same.

“I want to thank each TAP member for their contributions to the work that goes into making suggestions to improve the IRS. What we do as a team is noticed, and changes have occurred throughout the year,” said 2022 National Chair Dr. Martha J. Lewis. “The exciting part is that TAP is getting recognized for our valuable input to the IRS. What an honor to be a part of such a fantastic group of volunteers.”

TAP is also proud to celebrate 20 years of  making a difference within the IRS. Since 2002, more than 700 volunteers have actively served on the TAP, and over the last 20 years, TAP members have submitted nearly 2,500 recommendations to the IRS suggesting improvements to taxpayer services, IRS products, and procedures.

Click here to download and read the 2022 Annual Report.

More About the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel

TAP is a Federal Advisory Committee consisting of a diverse group of citizen volunteers from across the nation and internationally who possess a sense of civic duty, patriotism, and belief in an effective and well-regarded taxation system.

Get Involved: Apply to Become a TAP Member and Submit Your Suggestions

If you want to make a difference and serve the taxpayers in your community, apply to become a TAP member. Visit our recruitment page or watch this video for more information about how to join and contribute to this dynamic group of volunteers.

You can also get involved by submitting your suggestions on how TAP can recommend future changes to improve IRS customer Service and tax administration. Please remember, TAP does not handle personal tax issues. If you are facing hardships due to an unresolved tax issue, visit the Taxpayer Advocate Service to see if you qualify for assistance.