As a part of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel’s (TAP) outreach efforts, Tennessee member Rita Green recently hosted a discussion session called “Talk to TAP” with members of the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE). The webinar with AFCPE members is a part of the organization’s professional development series and was Green’s final presentation before completing her three-year term with TAP.
During the session, Green discussed TAP’s mission to improve IRS services and procedures, and explained how TAP uses public forums, grassroot outreach, and taxpayer submissions to develop referrals that TAP then sends to the IRS with recommended changes to make the IRS work better. Green outlined the process, detailing how public submissions move from screening by the panel to becoming an official recommendation to the IRS.
Participants also learned how to utilize TAP as a tool to submit their own issues of concern or suggestions to improve the IRS. Another key takeaway Green stressed for the participants, was to ensure that taxpayers know they are represented, and that their concerns are heard and effectively addressed by TAP. The presentation will continue to be available on demand for AFCPE members.