
Issue 69169

Addition of “SPEAK UP” Brochure” and information to VITA/TCE and LITC locations order forms and VITA/TCE Handbook

Issue Statement:

TAP is chartered by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Charles P. Rettig, to “provide listening opportunities for taxpayers to independently identify suggestions or comments to improve IRS customer service through grass roots outreach efforts.” TAP seeks to establish listening posts at VITA/TCEs and LITCs by placing “SPEAK UP” Brochures at the site for taxpayers. The updated version of the brochure explains the purpose of
the TAP, how it is done, the specific scope of the authority, and offers paths for Taxpayers to offer suggestions on IMPROVERIRS.ORG. The new design was specifically created for the taxpayers to make annotations on the cardstock in an area specifically left for note taking.

Goal Statement:

The goal of this referral is to add the “SPEAK UP” Brochure (Publication 3753 (1-2023) Catalog Number 31813J)” and other materials to the “VITA/TCE Handbook for Partners and Site Coordinators” and standardized order forms for VITA/TCE and LITC’s, FACT SHEET-Filing Season 2023: VITA/TCE Training and Site Materials, Publication 5358 (Rev. 10-2022) Catalog Number 72991C and Volunteer Order Form, Form 2333V




Handbook for Partners and Site Coordinators

Publication 5683
Catalog Number 93304P

Chapter 12-3: Additional Web Resources

https://www.irs. gov/pub/irs-pdf/ p5683.pdf
(Add to Text with hyperlink)
Create Hyperlink Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (

Provide Taxpayers with a method of submitting suggestions to the IRS.

Creation of grassroot Outreach opportunity to solicit suggestions to improve the IRS.

Meets goals defined in Right #1-Right to be Informed, Right #4-Right to Challenge the IRS’s Position and be Heard, and Right #2-Right to Quality Service of the Tax Bill of Rights.


IRS Action: Adopted



IRS Response: 2752 VITA/TCE
Handbook for Partners and Site Coordinators (Add to Text with hyperlink) Create Hyperlink Taxpayer Advocacy Panel ( Provide Taxpayers with a method of submitting suggestions to the IRS.

Publication 5683
Catalog Number 93304P Creation of grassroot Outreach opportunity to solicit suggestions to improve the IRS.

IRS Response:

Implemented date

Response explanation
SPEC has completed its revisions to Publication 5683 for the 2024 Filing Season. The link to Publication 3753 will be added to Publication 5683 for the 2025 Filing Season.




Filing Season 2023: VITA/TCE
Training and Site Materials

Publication 5358
(Rev. 10-2022)
Catalog Number 72991C D

https://www.irs. gov/pub/irs-pdf/ p5358.pdf (Add to Text to form) Add (Publication 3753
(1-2017) Catalog Number

Brochure to inform Taxpayers of ways to submit suggestions to the IRS.

UPThe Volunteer Form appears to be a standardized ordering form for a VITA/TCE or LITC.

Meets go


IRS Action: Adopted



IRS response:
Implemented Date:
Response Explanation:
Response explanation
SPEC has completed its revisions to Publication 5358 for the 2024 Filing Season (Rev. 09-2023). The link to Publication 3753 will be added to Publication 5358 for the 2025 Filing Season.




Volunteer Order Form

Form 2333V
(Add Text to form) Add to:
CAT NO-Publication 3753

ITEM- Taxpayer Advocacy Panel “SPEAK UP” Brochure to form)

TBOR Pub 1 should be printed out and set up at the VITA Intake Table and Admin table for the tax preparers start out with 20 pages for each table).

Spreadsheet to for the taxpayers to make recommendations. The Volunteer Form appears to be a standardized ordering form for a VITA/TCE or LITC.

Meets goals defined in Right #1-Right to be Informed, Right #4-Right to Challenge the IRS’s Position and be Heard, and Right #2-Right to Quality Service of the Tax Bill of Rights.

In an effort to collaborate with other IRS functions (SPEC, TAS, VITA/TCE, LITC) and to ensure that the taxpayer has a quality service, the right to be informed, and the right to be heard, we are placing the above- mentioned forms within multiple locations and agencies

IRS Action: Considered



IRS Response:
Under Consideration

Implemented Date:

Response Explanation:


Publication 1 is already available on Form 2333V and available for VITA/TCE sites to order and share with taxpayers. SPEC has completed it product update season, we will consider adding Publication 3753 to Form 2333V for the 2025 Filing Season. However, since we do not own this product, we would need to find out how many are in stock at the NDC and if the owner is willing to fund printing if more are needed. Lastly, Form 911 is an electronic only product so we can add a link to the form in Publication 5683 for the 2025 Filing Season.

Add 911 form for TAS intake to the administration table in case a taxpayer has an issue that must be referred to TAS for resolution.

In an effort to collaborate with other IRS functions (SPEC, TAS, VITA/TCE, LITC) and to ensure that the taxpayer has a quality service, the right to be informed, and the right to be heard, we are placing the above- mentioned forms within multiple locations and agencies

current report

2023 TAP Annual Report

The six core project committees submitted 31 referrals to the IRS for consideration during the 2023 TAP year. These referrals contained 531 recommendations to the IRS.
