

Effectively Measuring Outreach

Issue Statement: SPEC is unable to gauge the impact of certain events without a clear way to measure the effectiveness of indirect outreach.

Goal Statement: Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication (SPEC) has asked the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel for assistance defining the indirect outreach parameters/measures more effectively. This will allow SPEC to gauge the impact of certain outreach events and provide data that will allow SPEC to make any necessary modifications to its approach to outreach, to educate even more taxpayers. Furthermore, this referral is mindful of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, specifically; The Right to Be Informed and The Right to Quality Service.


ID 2598

Recommendation: Add QR codes, survey links and other communication methods to outreach materials for taxpayers to access for additional information and/or provide feedback

Justification: By adding prompts to outreach materials in the form of QR codes, survey links, and other communication methods, it will be possible to gain insight into the number of taxpayers who are actively engaging with these materials while also providing a forum to capture taxpayer experience feedback.


IRS Action:Resolved prior

ID 2598

Resolved prior to elevation

With the Got Kids? Campaign as part of the “Back to School” initiative, SPEC has started to implement this recommendation with Publications 5844 and 5850.


ID 2599

Recommendation: Use website/social media analytics to better understand the frequency and type of interaction with outreach materials

Justification: By utilizing digital and social media analytics, it will be possible to acquire a deeper understanding of reach, impressions, and engagement. Such analytics may also provide insight into who is interacting with the outreach materials and when these interactions are taking place.


IRS Action:Considered

ID 2599


SPEC will work with C&L, M&P and OLS to determine the best course for understanding the frequency and interaction of social media analytics with outreach materials. Note that SPEC does record social media outreach in terms of total partner outreach posts, (29,097) and of course IRS is on Twitter and YouTube.


ID 2600

Recommendation: Add URL tagging to track the success of specific outreach campaigns

Justification: By adding URL tags to outreach materials, it will be possible to better measure overall campaign success, including which content types and channels are receiving the most traction among taxpayers.



IRS Action:Considered

ID 2600


SPEC will work with C&L, M&P and OLS to determine the best course for including URLs for specific outreach campaigns.


ID 2659

At in person events, provide a half-page paper quick-response survey with no more than two questions, such as:

• This information was helpful (Yes/No)
• My suggestions to improve the information provided today, or for future topics ______________.

Justification: Participants are more likely to provide a response at the event itself, than to follow-up later via electronic method. A quick-response survey will help to capture the number of attendees, their brief feedback, and any suggestions they might have.



IRS Action:Considered

ID 2659


SPEC will work with WISS to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach.


ID 2660

Recommendation: When publishing video material online, include video view-count in analytics.
Justification: Published videos through online sites capture a view count. Using this information will help to gauge how popular a specific topic is.




IRS Action:Adopted

ID 2660


SPEC will work with OLS and C&L to implement this for any new video content that is created.

current report

2022 TAP Annual Report

The 2022 TAP Annual Report highlights our key recommendations to improve IRS customer service and summarizes our key accomplishments and activities, including the 201 recommendations submitted to the IRS in 2022.
