ID 2519
We haven’t received your tax return
We don’t have your tax return for year XXXX in our system and you have a credit on your account.
Adds some clarifying language so the reader immediately knows what the letter is about.
ID 2519
Resolved prior to elevation
Update made to change the 1st sentence –
“There is a $x,xxx.xx credit on your account, but we haven’t received your tax return.”
TAP Response: Please clarify, as this appears to be accepted. If has been addressed prior to our submission, please state the revision/year it was updated.
ID 2520
We’ve credited payments and/or other credits to your tax account for the tax year shown above. However, we haven’t received your tax return.
We’ve credited payments and/or other credits to your tax account for the tax year shown above. However, we don’t have your tax return in our system.
Adds some clarifying language to avoid confusion if the taxpayer has already submitted the return.
ID 2520
Resolved prior to elevation
Sentence updated to –
“We credited payments or other credits to your account for the tax year shown above. However, we haven’t received your tax return.”
TAP Response: Please clarify, as this appears to be accepted. If has been addressed prior to our submission, please state the revision/year it was updated.
ID 2521
If you have already filed this return:
In certain situations, with mailed tax returns, payments enclosed are processed prior to your tax return being processed in the system. This results in the appearance that your return was not received. If you have already filed this return:
Adds some clarifying language to bring emphasis on the fact that the tax return may have been received and why the payments are received in, but the corresponding tax return is not showing as received, when both were mailed together.
ID 2521
Accounts Management (AM) will consider adding clarification to explain why a payment sent with a return would be processed without the return being processed.
TAP Response:
This seems as if W&I agrees with our recommendation and will incorporate. If not please explain more.
ID 2522
If you don’t file your return or contact us, you may lose this credit.
If you don’t file your return or contact us, you may lose this credit.
Bolded statement to bring emphasis to the fact that by not responding, they could lose the credit.
ID 2522
Partially Adopted
Emphasis was put on this sentence by changing its placement on the page, in the revision, this sentence is now about mid-page.
ID 2523
TAXPAYER ONLINE ACCOUNT – Taxpayers can create and access taxpayer online accounts. Please go to irs.gov, select “Sign into your Online Account” to get started.
Our Committee is receiving multiple requests and/or comments regarding taxpayer confusion and difficulty in receiving and understanding IRS Notices and Correspondence. Our Committee firmly believes that adding this notification to every notice and taxpayer correspondence could alleviate the 1-800 phone line burden.
The Notices and Correspondence Committee believes that if the taxpayer knew they could create an on-line account, much of this confusion could be alleviated. Most taxpayers are trying to obtain or confirm individual account information on the main IRS page. OR, taxpayers never visit the IRS main page to realize that taxpayers have the ability to create and view taxpayer’s individual on-line account information.
ID 2523
The CP80 has not been added to the notices taxpayers can respond to online. Adding information about taxpayer online accounts won’t benefit the taxpayers as it relates to their ability to respond to this notice. If the taxpayers’ ability to communicate with AM via their online account changes or if they add the CP80 to the notices taxpayers can reply online, adding taxpayer online account information to the CP80 notice will be considered again.