Have the IRS determine if their endorsements for tax payments or for any tax related checks are including the taxpayer’s SSN. If true then the IRS should look into possible alternatives that would not include the taxpayer’s SSN such as a different tracking method.
IRS Action: Not adopted
Thank you for your recommendation regarding the social security number (SSN) appearing on cancelled checks.
We use the taxpayer identification number (TIN)/SSN as the taxpayer’s IRS account number. The TIN/SSN is also part of the 56-digit audit trail endorsement, printed on the back of each check/ remittance, during the Electronic Check Presentment (ECP) process. Various functions/areas within the IRS use this audit trail to resolve payment issues. There are strict controls in place to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to remittances and the information contained in the audit trail. With the use of ECP, the paper check is destroyed, and the image is shared only with the taxpayers’ financial institution.
We do offer the taxpayers the option to securely submit payments via IRS Direct Pay on the website. The use of Direct Pay is a free service in which taxpayers receive instant confirmation of their payment.
Based on the above information we will not be adopting the recommendation.